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Surgery Instructions
Post Operative Directions
To speed your healing
Proper care after surgery can reduce complications and speed healing. These suggestions should be followed as closely as possible.
- Change gauze every hour until it is light pink in color (like a pencil eraser). Lightly wet gauze before putting it in the mouth so it does not pull out stiches or disturb the clot. It will not become clear, so do not wait for this. Some spotting or oozing of blood is normal during the first 78 hours. Do not eat, sleep or drink with gauze in the mouth.
- Thing to avoid for 1 week:
- smoking
- spicy, acidic or carbonated foods or beverages
- use of straw
- swishing, spitting rinsing
- alcohol (mouthwash included)
- chewy, crunchy, hard foods (chips, hoagies, steak)
- strenuous activity
- rubbing of tongue over area
- Soft, cool, liquid food is recommended for the next week (yogurt, ice cream, jello, pudding, mashed potatoes, applesauce). Food and drinks should be room temperature and cooler, nothing hot.
- Ice should be applied to the outside of the face for about 20 minutes, then off for 20 minutes for the firstday following surgery. Ice and sleeping elevated will alleviate sever swelling. In 2-3 days, pain and swelling will peak. If you are being treated for an infection DO NOT USE ICE AT ALL.
- After the 24- hour period, rinse gently with warm salt water (approximately ¼ teaspoon salt to 8 oz warm water). Place salt water in the mouth, rock head gently from side to side, and let it fall out naturally. This should be done hourly and especially after meals.
- If stiches were places around the extraction site(s), be careful not to disturb them. They will dissolve or fall out within 1 to 2 weeks or sooner.
- Please take medications as prescribed:
- Start taking antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Clindamycin, Cleocin) the day of the extraction, it is important to finish the full course in order to fight off the infection.
- Pain medication can be taken every 4-6 hours as needed. If you are prescribed a narcotic, please do not do any activities (work, drive) as it will make you tired. Another side effect is nausea. Stop medication and call office or doctor if this happens.
- You can alternate the two pain medications to maximum pain management. NOTE: occasionally a tiny piece of bone may work itself free from an extraction site. This is natures way of eliminating an area that does not have adequate blood supply to heal properly. This is routine and should not be cause for alarm. During regular business hours, please call (856)428-4445 In case you need to contact the doctor after hours, please dial he office number.